Session 28


November 8th

With the dawn drinker dead, Faust realizes that they don't know everyones names. Ophelia begrudgingly introduces herself and Della, with Eden given his own name. Now that they're on a higher level, Eden wanders off down another corridor where the body Della and Basil still lay. The dragonborn has the holy symbol of Mikolas on him and Eden takes note of it. He casts a spell to protect the body from decay, and prays over it as long as he can before they leave. On their way out, Della stops to pick up the the mushrooms now beginning to glow around them.

The emerge into a morning too far gone to travel beyond Vollendorf like they planned, so they resign themselves to waiting out the day at the inn. Basil and Ophelia go hunting in the meantime. They hunt down what seems to be a large, healthy deer, but upon further inspection the antlers have grown strangely. Rather than a normal pattern, they almost sprout and twist like the twigs of a bramble bush. Ophelia finds it odd, but doesn't know what to make of it and writes them off. She field dresses the deer, bringing the antlers along to show Della.

No one has any fucking clue what's up with the antlers.

The group of them are unsure about how safe the deer is, but ultimately agree that it's probably safe to eat. Faust eagerly offers to bargain with the innkeep on Ophelia's behalf, and to their surprise, Ophelia agrees to it. The innkeeper is a man who seems less than enthused by Faust's proposal at first. They aren't a bard for nothing, however, and easily sway him into trading 16lbs for beds and meals. The rest of the meat they ask to be turned into rations, with the rest being simply sold off for 5 gold. Ophelia offers two gold to Faust as payment for the beds the night prior and as a tip. Faust tries to politely decline, so Ophelia orders him to take it, so he does.

November 9th

A clear sky hangs overhead as the four of them travel to, and then around Vollendorf. The sun has only just started to slowly set when they make it to the unnamed village. They're recognized and welcomed back into the village, barring Faust who bears the brunt of the staring. They make their way back to the community building where Gallienna and Sindre live-with the former being visible inside, speaking to someone else. She's happy to welcome them into their home, asking about Faust and reacting...with confusion, to his name. Faust laughs in a way that isn't at all suspecious or worrying. We are unworried. Gallienna also mentions they aren't the first familiar faces she's seen recently. Eden asks if she's referring to the strange man they rescued prior, and she confirms that.

That said, she takes them to the private living quarters to elaborate. She cuts to the chase shortly, telling them that the strange young man had returned for a few days before setting out again. Gallienna alludes to some sort of problems they've been having, not caused by the stranger. They apparently had introduced themselves as Ravnium and texplained more of their situation. Apparently, Ravnium warned that seraphs were looking for them because of what he is. They filled her in about Rav's healing ability, and Eden presses to confirm what he suspects, that it was Enoch and his companions who came to ask about Ravnium.

The topic moves on slightly, and Gallienna tells them that most of the people who had gotten sick from the kobolds have recovered. When they come back to the Seraphs and Rav's vague warnings respectively, Ophelia loudly states that the seraph's are untrustworthy and undeserving of respect. Eden shares a brief, poignant glare at her, but doesn't speak up. They spend the rest of the night catching up before settling down to sleep.