Session 25
Rule of three
November 3rd
After one last meal at the Black Stag Inn, Eden, Ophelia, and Della depart from Stenhwald. Once outside the city, Basil joins them.
As they descend the mountain, the group take notice of three large birds that had been circling overhead seeming to grow larger and larger. Then, coming close enough for human forms to be made out. Finally the three land and to Eden's shock, Enoch, a dear friend, is among them. All three of them are seraphs acting under the arch seraph of mercy, Miklas. The group is lead by an elven woman named Anael, and with them is another younger man named Alexei. Anael seems uninterested in making conversation with the group but does so at Enoch's insistence. The party learns they're in the area because an Empyrean Knight has been dispatched around the area—an otherwordly, terrifying creature embodying rightous duty. They're unsure what it's pursuin, and the party doesn't have any ideas to offer in return. Not ones that don't implicate their own corrupted druid, at least.
After some convincing, Anael agrees that they may walk together to the next inn down the road. It's enough time for Eden and Enoch to speak privately.
Enoch doesn't specify how, but tells Eden that his absence put their home town in danger shortly after he left. And, not long after that, wings grew from Enoch's back, with Anael not far behind. Enoch apologizes for the arguement the pair of them had before Eden left as well, saying he had been feeling strained and it was unfair to take it out on him. Eden simply says he wished Enoch had spoken to him about his problems. He takes his turn to apologize to Enoch as well for leaving when and how he did. That he tries to trust his instincts, but he always knew eventually they would be wrong, and he regrets that his mistake led to anyone getting hurt.
Eden tells Enoch of their current plans to return to Altenheim and speak with the church, something that comes as a shock to Enoch, understandably. Eden tries as best as he can to explain his reasoning within their limited time.
They reach the inn all too soon and Enoch, looking tired, says his goodbyes to Eden and the rest of the party. He promises they'll be able to meet again outside of Altenheim, but, of course, not inside. With that, the seraphs depart.