Session 30
November 11th
Hearing the sound of the bloodhounds baying in the distance, Ophelia takes off. Surprised and confused, the party takes off after her. They catch up after a short while, finding Ophelia crouched by a tree curled into a ball. Della approaches cautiously, trying to ask Ophelia if she's alright, but she isn't responsive. Eden gently suggests they wait until she's gotten ahold of herself. One thing they do catch from her is the word "blood hounds", which Eden and Della recognize to be hounds that are supernaturally gifted trackers usually created via the use of blood magic. Slowly, as Ophelia calms down, the party settles closer and Ophelia finally asks if they knew what that sound was. They don't, but Della and Eden confirm they recognized blood hounds.
Eden asks straightforwardly if Ophelia believes the hounds and looking for her, and she confirms this. Ophelia, once Vasilena, explains then that her people were often blamed for any crimes and persecuted relentlessly, run out of town after town. Vasilena's father finally had enough and petitioned the Crimson Court. The court agreed to clear the group of them of their crimes, in exchange for his daughter, Vasilena. Not wanting her father to have to chose between her and the safety of their people, she fled the same night they learned of this. She took everything she had and fled. Vasilena had hoped that once she passed over the country's border hoping that the court wouldn't be able to follow her. She made a new life and found sponsors in Altenheim to take her in. It seemed as though she had escaped the fate she left behind. Until now.
She had hoped that the Hearthkeepers would keep her safe, as they had promised, if they kill the Beast. Eden openly admits he doesn't think they would follow through on that promise even on the off chance they do manage to succeeed in their mission. Unsure of what else to add, Della says it seems like they should get going, and Faust agrees to this. They scurry back to the inn as quickly as they can after that, covering their tracks successfully.
At the inn, Eden blesses a charm Della made to ward off undead and they agree to take watches so Vasilena can rest easy.
November 12th
Before heading back to town Vasilena puts back on her full Ophelia persona, complete with dress and pin of Aurelia. She also makes sure to transform Basil into a smaller but large cat. On the way they give Faust an idea of what to expect in the city.
November 16th
Upon arriving in Altenheim, they notice posters all around advertising a carinval, "Cirque du soiree", within the next few days. Faust immedietely starts taking psychic damage. He grabs onto Vasilena, who awkwardly comforts him by putting a cloak over him. Della also offers to take Faust to a friend of theres with the offer of getting him something to help him calm down, given his escalating anxiety. While they do that, Ophelia opts to take Eden to buy nicer clothers so they don't all stand out as a group quite as much.
Ophelia and Eden go to order clothes. Della and Faust go to visit someone Della knows in town, Dimia. Dimia is happy to see Della, and skeptical of how weird Faust is being. After chitchatting and catching up a little, Dimia sends them off with a concoction to help Faust really relax.